Tuesday, July 23, 2013

here's a peek inside

New Zealand Quilter, issue #84

This is the NZ Quilter article that Anne Scott so very kindly published about my latest textile work and award win. If you'd like to read the article, it was first published by the DIA and you can find it online here.

ps. I'm just a little teeny tiny bit more than pretty excited!

in all the world

one of my most favourite things IN ALL THE WORLD is when you spend so long in the bath your finger tips turn into wrinkly raisins x

Friday, July 19, 2013

life is chaos!

Everything is happening all at once. Life usually does that. Ebbs and flows...

Hannah and I (mostly Hannah, but I took the photos so totally claiming it too!) have just been featured on a fashion blog about our project with NZ Eco Fashion Exposed. Pretty cool!

Here's the link!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

a little project

Me and my dear friend Hannah have been working on a little project and getting involved with NZ Eco Fashion Week Exposed. It's just a TINY bit exciting!

Over the next few weeks... we are making simple garments with sublimate printing, natural dye, and shibori patterning. Hopefully!

At the moment... we are sorting out garment patterns (mostly Hannahs job thankfully!) and testing colour with natural dyes. Here are a few of my initial experiments x

Dye colour test swatches with a lovely pink from madder root 

Collecting onion skin from generous Mr. Wilson

Onion skins create a warm golden yellow 

Silver dollar eucalyptus from Mt Victoria

Soft orange and pink colours from the eucalyptus dyebath 

 And even softer colours with mordants

Have a look at us on Facebook!

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

I've been published!!!

My textile work has just been printed in these two beautiful magazines Yay!

I'll post photos of the inside of these very soon.

lots of things have been happening...

Are you ready for a few updates?